COMP10002 Assignment 1 Feedback: healyr Program Presentation Including: layout and style, readability, adherence to coding expectations, general care and appearance. Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Up to Stage 1 initial allocation, +0.5. Up to Stage 2 initial allocation, +1.5. Up to Stage 3 initial allocation, +2.5. Up to Stage 4 initial allocation, +2.5. Up to Stage 5 initial allocation, +2.5. Deductions Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Deduct 0.5 marks for every type of errors found. Marks in each section won't go below zero. Additions (included in total mark only if marks lost within this first section) comment that says "algorithms are fun", +0.5; Other Comments from Marker Structure and Approach Including: decomposition in to functions, development of data structures and declaration of them at the appropriate locations, choice of parameters to functions, use of appropriate struct and typedef declarations, choice of algorithms or methods. Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Up to Stage 1 initial allocation, +0.5. Up to Stage 2 initial allocation, +1.5. Up to Stage 3 initial allocation, +2.5. Up to Stage 4 initial allocation, +2.5. Up to Stage 5 initial allocation, +2.5. Deductions Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Deduct 0.5 marks for every type of errors found. Marks in each section won't go below zero. Other comments from marker: Program Execution Including: compilation, execution on test data, output presentation and readability. Programs that do not compile in the test environment will lose all marks in this section. Be sure to verify your submission and check the output before you say "finished" to yourself. Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Up to Stage 1 initial allocation, +2. Up to Stage 2 initial allocation, +4. Up to Stage 3 initial allocation, +6. Up to Stage 4 initial allocation, +8. Up to Stage 5 initial allocation, +10. Deductions Some subset of the following lines will be retained by the marker. Marks in each section won't go below zero. deduct all execution marks if program generates no output at all; otherwise, deduct marks for the following items: incorrect Stage 5 output on invis1, -1; Late Penalty If you make a late submission without having prior agreement from the lecturer, late penalties may apply. Submissions late for more than three days won't be accepted. Overall marks won't go below zero. 14.0 Overall comments from marker: Nice! I can tell that you've put a lot of effort into your code formatting, structuring and comments, which I appreciate. It seems that you did have a small bug in your stage 5 however. Regardless, really well done assignment here. Make sure to continue the good work into assignment 2! Assignment Marker: Alec Yu Subject Coordinator: Jianzhong Qi, ==========Auto-Test Output (open on a computer or save it as a txt file)========== Compiling with gcc -Wall -std=c99 ... Compilation succeeded. ============================================ Test for input file: :) ### :),happy Expected results: Your results: Stage 1 Stage 1 ========== ========== Number of tokens: 1 Number of tokens: 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 ========== ========== :) :) Stage 3 Stage 3 ========== ========== :) :) Stage 4 Stage 4 ========== ========== Emoticon total: 1 Emoticon total: 1 Longest: :) Longest: :) Length: 2 Length: 2 Stage 5 Stage 5 ========== ========== :) :) Your results seem to be CORRECT. :) ============================================ Test for input file: :))),I,told,you,:#,:),:# That,was,**_**:-*,**_**:-*,=)),:)) I,have,:)):(,clue,:/,:?,on,this,>:<:):)) ^-^,You,are,the,best,*-*,:-* See,you,|->,bye Thank,you,:) ### :|:),emotion-less :)):(,happy :,sad :?:-*,confused >:<:):)),love ^-^:?:/,happy =)):(:((,fun **_**:-*,love Expected results: Your results: Stage 1 Stage 1 ========== ========== Number of tokens: 7 Number of tokens: 7 Stage 2 Stage 2 ========== ========== :))),,,,:#,:),:# :))),,,,:#,:),:# ,,**_**:-*,**_**:-*,=)),:)) ,,**_**:-*,**_**:-*,=)),:)) ,,:)):(,,:/,:?,,,>:<:):)) ,,:)):(,,:/,:?,,,>:<:):)) ^-^,,,,,*-*,:-* ^-^,,,,,*-*,:-* ,,|->, ,,|->, ,,:) ,,:) Stage 3 Stage 3 ========== ========== :))),:#,:),:# :))),:#,:),:# **_**:-*,**_**:-*,=)),:)) **_**:-*,**_**:-*,=)),:)) :)):(,:/,:?,>:<:):)) :)):(,:/,:?,>:<:):)) ^-^,*-*,:-* ^-^,*-*,:-* |-> |-> :) :) Stage 4 Stage 4 ========== ========== Emoticon total: 8 Emoticon total: 8 Longest: >:<:):)) Longest: >:<:):)) Length: 8 Length: 8 Stage 5 Stage 5 ========== ========== ,,, | ,:#,:,: **_**:-*,**_**:-*,, | **_**:-*,**_**:-*,,:)) :)):(,,,>:<:):)) | :)):(,,:?,>:<:):)) ,, | ,*-*, Oops, your results seem to be INCORRECT. :(