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Workout Buddy

Workout Buddy is an online application designed to help people find exercises and workout plans, as well as create their own workout plans. Workout Buddy is a node.js project, and features Next.js, React-Bootstrap, and Firebase.

Getting Started

To run a local instance of Workout Buddy, first clone this repository:

git clone workoutbuddy
cd workoutbuddy

Ensure that node.js in installed before continuing.

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install

Note that any local instance that does not contain a .env file will not run as there is no database to connect to. Ensure that a Firebase database has been set up to run a local instance of Workout Buddy.

Finally, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the local instance running.

Coding standards

Coding standards are kept in docs/, and are enforced through mandatory formatting and linting actions, as well as using Husky to ensure pre-commit linting.


This website was made by students studying at The University of Melbourne whilst undertaking the capstone subject for their degree: COMP30022 - IT Project

  • Hugo Monaco-Templeton
  • Joseph Dissanayake
  • Carmen Smith
  • Rory Healy
  • Zach Hay